Here are some of the interesting innovations and gadgets you will find at the Food‘s Future Summit on Saturday, 12 August 2017 at Eaton House. What might end up on your dinner plate and kitchen in the not-so-distant future?

Cricket Pasta 

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Bugsolutely‘s Massimo Reverberi will be offering tastings of insect products, from pasta to crisps. We reckon it‘s going to be cricket-licious. 🙂


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Lecker Labs‘ Yomee machines are like Nespresso machines for making fresh yoghurt at home, promising to be five times cheaper and much healthier.

Mushrooms in a Jar 

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The folks from The Mushroom Initiative will show us how to grow mushrooms in an eco-friendly way.  

Livin Farms

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Feeding insects our leftover food and then harvesting the bugs to make more food? Brilliant! Livin Farms has the tools and will teach us the know-how.  

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In addition to these interesting companies, the Food‘s Future Summit has a great line-up of speakers and panel discussions. Join us!

More info at

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